Christmas Countdown

58 days, 7 hours, 2 minutes, 41 seconds until Santa arrives.

The Sleigh Team

Here is the order of the team this year





Gender: Bull
Species: Mountain
Region: Norway

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Gender: Cow
Species: Finnish
Region: Finland


Gender: Cow
Species: Peary
Region: Nunavut

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Gender: Bull
Species: Woodland
Region: Alaska


Gender: Bull
Species: Barren
Region: Greenland

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Gender: Cow
Species: Kamchatka
Region: Russia


Gender: Bull
Species: Labrador
Region: Canada

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Gender: Cow
Species: Labrador
Region: Canada


“And as for Rudolph, well, we all know how came to be.”

Dasher – Bull - is a Boral Woodland caribou from Alaska. Prefers to stay all year to make sure the Claus’ are with a flying reindeer. The uber/taxi of the team. Dasher is the tour guide of the North Pole when new elves and reindeers come for the first time. Santa adopted Dasher when he was an baby orphan.
Favorite colours: Gingerbread Brown and Lime Green

Dancer – Cow - is a Finnish reindeer, from Finland. She helps Santa prepare the special reindeer diet. She is sworn to secrecy! Dancer also helps with all the festivities in the North Pole.
Favorite colours: Cotton Candy Pink and Cotton Candy Blue

Prancer – Bull - is a Barren Ground caribou, from Greenland. Prancer is the only reindeer that can whistle. He is the official referee for all the sporting events in and around the North Pole. He is also the joker of the group.
Favorite colours: Spearmint Green and Grape Purple

Vixen - Cow - is a Kamchatka reindeer from Siberia. Vixen was the first to fly after eating the special diet. Vixen is the team's flying instructor and aerobatic trainer. She organizes the annual Reindeer Air shows.  She is an honorary member of the Canadian Arm Forces “Snowbirds”.
Favorite colours: Licorice Black and Candy Corn Orange

Comet - Bull - is from Norway and is a Mountain reindeer. He is the navigator of the team and is always just behind Rudolf to help the team navigate during Christmas Eve. Comet knows the name of all the constellations and the important stars around the world. Santa will discuss with him about any changes to the flight plans.
Favorite colours: Blueberry Blue and Mint Green

Cupid – Cow - is a Peary caribou from Nunavut. Cupid is the team nurse, the North Pole paramedic. She is with Santa when visiting sick reindeers and will brings them to the veterinarian in Nunavut if needed.
Favorite colours: Bubble Gum Pink and Strawberry Red

Donder – Bull - and Bitzen – Cow- are in fact twins. They are Labrador caribous from Canada. Strongest members of the team. They help bring those big bags of sugar to Mrs. Claus; wood, plastic, paper to toy shops. In the summertime, they are the official judges at all “strong–reindeer” competitions. 
Favorite colours: Donner - Raspberry Blue and Ice Cream Vanilla White; Blitzen - Jellybean Purple and Lemon Drop Yellow


Olive – Cow - Svalbard reindeer from Siberia. She pulls Mrs. Claus’ sleigh around the North Pole when Mrs. Claus visits the elves and bring them cookies. Olive is very cute as well, but she is not able to fly. But she runs really fast! Zoom!

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