Christmas Countdown

60 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes, 38 seconds until Santa arrives.

Santa's Arrival


What do you get when you hire Santa?

When Santa arrives to your house/party, he is all ready to go. Santa will be dressed before arriving.

Note: Santa has his police check report (and is always ready to show you),
but Santa should never be left alone with the children.
An adult is required to be present at all times. 


Usually this is how a typical visit takes place.

Santa will walk up to the house, ringing a harness full of bells. If Santa can make his way to a window, he will wave to everyone. Too much fun!

When Santa enters, he should be lead to the area where everyone will meet. If there are any craft activities, Santa will go over and see the children's creations. Santa is always looking for new ideas and maybe future toy makers.

Note: Santa will be keeping his boots on. If customs/religion requires the removal of footware, Santa will respect this, but he prefers not to remove them.

Santa will then sit down and invite everyone to gather around him. Here the children can ask Santa anything, from the North Pole, the elves, Rudolph and the reindeers, and what is Santa favorite cookie (any cookie that is round).

Santa will then check to see who is on the Nice list or on the Naughty list, using a magical wand that will tell the children if they been nice or not. The wand is very, very safe. To this day, every single child is on the nice list. The wand is designed to always display a positive answer. It cannot produce a negative one.

Santa will then tell a story about the Caterpillar family, which involves magic. Other stories can read by Santa. Bring your favorite. Santa will a couple of books with him.

Then Santa will announce that it is time for the children to come and sit on Santa's knee, where the children can then ask what they would like for Christmas. If there are gifts to give out, then this would be the time to do so. This is a great time to take pictures.

Once everyone has visited Santa and all the pictures have been taken, Santa will prepare for his departure. It is a strange phenomena, but once the children have spoken to Santa and have opened their presents, they will all leave to go and play. Santa becomes almost invisible.

Santa will bid everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and leave.


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Jennifer Jackson - Pythian