Christmas Countdown

43 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes, 57 seconds since Santa arrives.


Big Joe and SantaJust return back to the North Pole after participating in the annual Christmas Tree Lighting over at Lansdowne in Ottawa. Wonderful time meeting everyone and got a chance to see my old friend Big Joe.

Merry Christmas Ottawa! 

Santa catching a stuffed bear for CHEO

HoHoHello All my 67s Hockey Fan!

I have been asked by the fabulous hockey team, the Ottawa 67s, to help them once again be a part of their annual Teddy Bear Toss for CHEO!

I am so exicted to be a part once again this year! Last year, we collected thousands of beautiful stuff toys and gave many children a super special Christmas gift last year.

Please help the 67s organisation once again this year by bringing in a new unused plush toy at the hockey game:

teddybeartoss2017.jpgDecember 10th
Game time is 2:30pm

Image of money jar

HoHoHello all!

My prices are based on the type of appearance you are seeking. Please fill out this form and I will get back to you as fast as I can make a cup of hot chocolate.

*Note: I would love to a part of each and every party I am invited to, but unfortunately, I am restricted by time.

My approach is based on a first confirmed get booking. This means that the first client who confirms a date/time is the one awarded the contract. Because of the limit of availability for events during the Christmas period, I cannot temporary book events.

Santa is also available after Christmas for booking, on December 26, 27 and 28th.

Tree of Hope Campaign 2015I was over in Kingston, Ontario for the "Tree of Hope" campaign. This year Family and Children's Services gave out Christmas presents to more than 920 children and youth, and they helped 80 families with food and gift baskets. WOW!

I was so very busy this past season, preparing, planning, visiting so many people here in Ottawa and the surrounding area.  I even got in a game over at the 67s! They won. We had fun!

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